Heroes Season Three Synopsis
"Villains" was originally supposed to be part of the second season, however the writer's strike caused the volume to be carried over to season three. The lead-in to the third volume, "Villains", features Sylar. Throughout Volume Two, his powers are suppressed by the Shanti virus. After using a cure procured by Mohinder Suresh, he regains his abilities, delivering the first line of the volume: "I'm back." Tim Kring has claimed that the new volume will bring a cadre of villains to the show, hence the name.
"Villains" was originally supposed to be part of the second season, however the writer's strike caused the volume to be carried over to season three. The lead-in to the third volume, "Villains", features Sylar. Throughout Volume Two, his powers are suppressed by the Shanti virus. After using a cure procured by Mohinder Suresh, he regains his abilities, delivering the first line of the volume: "I'm back." Tim Kring has claimed that the new volume will bring a cadre of villains to the show, hence the name.
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